Feeding Indian Street Dogs
India has more than 30 million stray dogs that need feeding every day. Strays are very street smart and know how to survive in the wild or in the city. The pandemic however has put a new spanner in the wheels where dogs are not getting enough food to survive. India is a country where on a daily basis, we feed crows and birds by philosophy. It is imperative that the stray dog situation in India gets noticed, and guidelines established for safe and effective containment, rehabilitation and neutering of the animals. Cruelty against animals is a criminal punishable offence under Sections 428 and 429 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Injuring, poisoning, relocating animals or taking away their shelter are punishable offences under the provisions of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. The Animal Welfare Board of India has guidelines regarding feeding of stray dogs.
In-House Feeding
Kindly choose a day in advance and help in cooking and then in feeding the inmates. We start our feeding at morning 7 AM and it goes for 3 hours till 10 AM. Our evening session starts at 4 PM and It goes for 3 hours till 7 PM.
A one time meal for the dogs inside and outside the house will cost around Rs.900/-. You can choose to sponsor 1 or both for a cost of Rs.1700/-
If you wish to donate anything more — old newspapers, clothes, food or treats — for the inmates, that is more than welcome. You can come with your family and friends to spend the day, help with cooking, feeding, bathing, cleaning whatever be your choice.
Please let us know the day and meals that you would like to sponsor.