Our larger Shelter to house Old and Paralysed dogs is under construction. Kindly visit the following URL for daily updates. mylosshelters.com Contact Us 9632533644

Lost and reunite missing pet

Report a Lost / Stolen / Missing Pet

Having your dog go missing — either they ran away from home or got separated from you outdoors — can be a very stressful experience. Dogs, especially pedigrees, can also be stolen or kidnapped by people looking to sell or breed them. It’s important to have a plan of action when this happens. Kindly list it in our interface to see if you can find your pet child. 

How this works ?

  • Did you find your pet missing suddenly? Do you suspect a theft of your pet ?
  • Kindly make a listing and update it in our website.
  • We will share it in as many groups as possible. 
  • We will also try to reach out to individual feeders and rescuers who could help in spotting your pet.
  • If you wish to change the status of your post, let us know. We will at once do it.