Our larger Shelter to house Old and Paralysed dogs is under construction. Kindly visit the following URL for daily updates. mylosshelters.com Contact Us 9632533644

Our Key People

Mylos is backed up by a strong set of 6 people who have taken their responsibilities to secure and care for every dog which is in danger and distress. We work all the time for securing and protecting the dogs from accidents, critical injuries, old age and abandonment. 

Pradeep Rajappa

Kitchen Incharge

The person behind satisfying the taste buds of all the dogs which are fed in Hulimavu and Arekere. He is always available on 9739675676.

Manjunath Babu

Dog Rescuer

The key person to rescue the dogs which are in distress. He drives all around Bangalore to rescue them. He is always available on 9611160382.


Moral Supporter

The therapist for all the dogs which come home. She showers her love for them through her kindness and love. She is always available on 080 – 43748506.


Moral Supporter

The little one of the house who is also a therapist for all the young pups who wish to play and have fun. She is always available on 080 – 43748506.

Ravi Rajappa


The auto angel / car driver who drives everywhere anytime along with the rescuer to save the dogs in distress. He is available on 7019695411.

Santhosh Srinivas


Our important volunteer who visits the spot  if any kind of abuse is reported for any dog and rescues them. He is available on 9110662521.